

Hope Presbyterian Church provides a nursery during Sunday school and worship service for parents of infants and toddlers. The nursery is staffed by a trained nurse and generous volunteers. The nursery is located in the southeast corner of the Education Building.

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Our children’s Sunday school curriculum is designed to guide, nurture, and equip children to become followers of Jesus Christ.  Our kindergarten and first grade children meet downstairs across from the nursery with Mrs. Debbie.  Second through sixth graders meet upstairs with Mrs. Lynne and Miss Cindy.

Children’s Church

Following the children’s message during the worship service, children ages 2-5 are dismissed for Children’s Church, held in the fellowship hall, to help prepare them for corporate worship. The children return to their families for communion.

Vacation Bible School

Hope Church members host a VBS each summer and invite children ages 3-12 to participate in a week of learning about Christ in the Scripture, hearing the story of a missionary, playing games, making crafts, and singing Scripture songs.

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